Vampires don't do Yoga - TrainingAnteater14 (2024)

Chapter 1: Escape from the Nautaloid


How I presume Astarion escaped the nautaloid.

Chapter Text


Astarion was jolted into consciousness by a hard whack to the forehead. He winced and grabbed his head with one hand while squinting at his surroundings. He found himself being held in a hard clear casing. He first tried shoving on the walls of the pod to try to break free, when that failed he felt around for a latch but found it seamlessly integrated into the soft fleshy interior.


He felt the whole room drop as he was slammed into the side this time. As the room tilted he could see a whole slew of items begin to slide across the room straight towards him.


A large table covered in glass objects crashed straight into the corner of the pod. Astarion felt the pod had weakened from the blow and punched it further from the inside.


It loosened slightly but he needed more power. He felt around the inside of the pod for something, anything he could use as leverage. The flesh of the pod was warm and pulsed as though it was alive. Perhaps it bleeds he thought to himself. After a moments' hesitation, he decided it probably wasn't sentient, was it? He braced himself and closed his eyes tightly as he leaned to bite into the side of the pod.

Lukewarm inky liquid flowed into his mouth. He stifled a gag. The pod bled a deep blackish blue that stained his lips and chin. The liquid was bitter and left a rotten taste in his mouth, but it worked, the pod was looser and he felt much stronger. He used his new found strength to force his dagger hard into the weak point.


He was free.

Assessing his surroundings, he was on what appeared to be a living ship. He was about to exit into the next corridor when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. He quickly slinked to the darkest corner of the room to hide.

A man in a purple robe shuffled into the room and immediately began rummaging around one of the tables.
"Hmm unfortunate so much is broken.... Ooo wait this one is good. Aha and this one!" The robed man slipped some strange looking objects into his pocket and turned to look around the rest of the room. "Ah! I should try to get some of this as well!"

Astarion watched quietly as the sticky fingered wizard picked up a small vial and approached a vat in the center of the room. He carefully dipped the vial into the contents of the vat. It all seemed fine until the edge of his sleeve brushed the jagged rim.


Astarion's pointy teeth bit back a laugh as a blur of purple went flying backward.

"That's enough exploring for me." The man said lying prone, eyebrows slightly singed after having the vat blow up in his face. He grunted and dusted himself off, then pulled out a staff and began making markings onto the floor. Suddenly the man disappeared into a purple light and Astarion was alone again.

Chapter 2: The Octopus has landed


Just filling in what I assume would be the interactions between Astarion and Gale if there were no player OC interaction.

Chapter Text

A gentle warmth surrounded Astarion, he struggled to open his eyes to the brightness. As they adjusted he suddenly realized he was lying in a grassy field fully exposed to the mid afternoon sun. Adrenaline shot through him and he instinctively leaped for the nearest shadow.

After regaining some sense of calm he noticed his left elbow was still exposed, but to no effect. He should have been long dead by now.

His blood rushed with anxiety as he rolled up his sleeve and let his whole arm free, body buzzing with excitement, instead of burning he felt an incredible soft warmth. After exposing his other arm he felt confident enough to step out into the sun.

It felt amazing. It had been hundreds of years since he'd seen the sun. Everything was so much brighter and more colorful than he could have imagined.

He eagerly removed his shirt and let his whole body bathe in the light. The bright green grasses waved in a light breeze beckoning him. He waded into the field and laid down arms out, taking in the wonder.

He could have stayed there forever but his joy was interrupted by a faint echoing voice. He briefly considered ignoring it but his suspicious side always won and he rolled into a crouch to investigate the sound.

"H-Hello-oh-oh?" The echo came from a familiar purple light in a nearby rock. "Is someone there-ere?" A hand jutted out from the rock, "A hand? Anyone?"

Astarion approached the hand. He could help, but what would he get out of it? He considered his new found freedom and wondered what else he could do. He gently touched his fingers to his lips. After centuries eating rats and with the foul taste of the pod still lingering on his tongue, now was the perfect time to test his new limits. He kneeled down and grabbed the hand and took a small bite of the wrist. The flavor was delicious.

"Ow! Did you just bite me!?" The hand flicked Astarion in the nose , " Perhaps I should have clarified, I need a hand. Pull me out will you?"

Astarion sat back on his heels and rubbed his nose. He could stop, but it was his first taste and the flavor of sentient blood was more delicious than he anticipated. High on his new freedoms he bargained with himself, perhaps just one more bite, just to make sure he could, then he would help. He leaned in to take another drink but then stopped. Suddenly the blood turned hot and his stomach burned. The burning spread like electricity through his veins and his head ached. Spots formed in his eyes tunneling his vision.

He was poisoned.

The joyous feeling was gone, anger fueled him now. That conniving purple bastard better have the antidote. He focused his fading vision on the hand and pulled hard.


He must have been stronger than he remembered as he pulled the man from the light with such strength he landed right on top of him.

"For a moment there I thought- ..." Gale stopped mid sentence as staring directly into Astarion's deep red eyes. "er- ... Hello." He found himself momentarily speechless. The moment passed quickly however, and he cracked a huge smile as he recognized the curly white hair.

"Say, I know you, don't I, in a manner of speaking of course, you were on the nautaloid as well! I can only assume you too were on the receiving end of a rather, unwelcome insertion in the ocular region? You don't happen to be a cleric by any chance?"

Astarion's vision blurred. The heavy weight of the wizard and the combined poison in his veins made it impossible to maneuver away. He furrowed his brow and attempted to glare as the purple blob rambled on.

"Ah! Apologies for my ill-manners, thank you for pulling me out of that stone. I'm Gale of Waterdeep, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance my friend." The wizard stood up, dusted off his robes and reached out his hand to pull Astarion up.

Finally an opportunity, Astarion grabbed the wizard's hand and pulled him back down towards his dagger. He brought his lips to Gale's ear. " You.. poisoned me.." he croaked out with a whisper.

"Poison? Surely I would remember if... " Gale looked closer at his rescuer, a stain of blood dripped from the corner of his lips to his chin and a glint of fangs showed between scowling lips. Surprised, Gale added the evidence to the bite on his wrist, "Did... Did you drink my blood?"

"Obviously..." Astarion replied, his voice was cracked and dry but still laced with attitude. "Now fix it...or die."

Chapter 3: Becoming a Mindflayer


Astarion experiences a new side effect of the tadpole.

Chapter Text

Dusk had fallen on the camp. Gale was headed back to his tent when a blur from the bushes was suddenly around his neck pulling him backwards.

"AhMph!" A cold hand muffled Gale's shout as he was dragged backwards into the woods.

When the light of the campfire could no longer be seen, he was thrown down onto a nearby log. His kidnapper stayed behind him but dropped the hand covering his mouth and allowed him to speak.

"ASTARION! WHAT IN THE G-Mph!" The hand muffled him again.

"Speak softer my friend or I'll remove your vocal chords before you can say fireball ."

"Astarion." Gale was irate, hissing a forced whisper, "What. In the Gods."

"Gale dearest, I need your help."

"Ah yes, I see, of course!" Gale raised his voice just enough to show his annoyance. "So naturally you plan to curry my favor by kidnapping me, instead of something far less influential, like perhaps mentioning it at camp with everyone else."

"But Darling, You're the only one I can trust ." Astarion's voice dripped with sarcasm as he flashed a look of false helplessness.

Gale read between the lines. Translation: You're the only one I knew I could easily overpower. He shook his head and let out a disappointed sigh. "Fine. What is it?" he relented.

"About our mutual friends ." Astarion tapped Gale's temple, " Is there perhaps a potion or spell that could slow down the ... transformation ."

Gale's focus promptly shifted to the fascinating suggestion. "An intriguing idea, I've mostly been looking into preventing it completely, but perhaps that type of partial solution might prove more fruitful." He continued thinking out loud, "it certainly would be a far simpler task to find something that could hinder metamorphosis than halt it. Yes, that could be very beneficial! Enough time to, take care of things before the inevitable transformation might just be the stop gap needed until we find a more permanent solution." His attention shifted back to Astarion, "All that aside, why do you ask? This is the first I've seen you interested in a cure. Perhaps are you experiencing new side effects?”


"And?" Gale waited expectantly for more details.

Astarion picked his words carefully, "My skin… it's turning inside out.”

Gale flinched but his curious mind helped him recover quickly, “You've entered into the first stages of ceremorphosis? I would have expected the process to occur far more rapidly. How long has this been going on? Can you describe it? I thought for sure it would be excruciating but you seem to be holding up well. What does it feel like exactly? If it's happening this slowly perhaps a spell to hold shape would do something. Oh! Or maybe even a salve! Ah, but I'd have to see to know what might work best. Would you be willing to show me your transformation thus far?”

So. Many. Questions. Astarion gritted his teeth ignoring all but the last one. He guised his emotion behind a sultry reply and stepped out in front of Gale, “Try not to fall in love darling” he gave a flirtatious half smile while gingerly removing his cloak, opening his arms so Gale could see his body in full display.

Astarion's nose cheeks and ears were flushed and his back and shoulders were bright red, small flakes of skin already peeling off him. Upon revealing this, he noticed immediately that Gale was pursing his lips to hold back a smile. This was not the reaction he preferred. He dropped the flirtatious facade and folded his arms narrowing his eyes into a glare, “No need to be smug.” he hissed, “Just tell me what it is already.”

Gale replied, “You have an accute ultra-violet radiation burn. It happens when epidermis is over-exposed to the sun’s rays. It's colloquially know as a sun burn .” Gale’s voice was respectful but shaky as he tried his best to hold back a laugh. “And I do have the perfect remedy for just such an ailment.” He reached for his alchemy bag.

Astarion swiftly grabbed his arm" Not. So. Fast.” As compliant and defensless as Gale seemed he still didn't really trust him. “ I'll get it for you.”

Gale gave a friendly smile. “I understand." He said as he lifted his hands in surrender, "It's the aloe vera extract, it will help cool and soothe as well as retain moisture to make for easier recovery.”

Astarion pulled out the small vial and moved to drink it.

“Ah! Not like that, you have put it on like a salve. Here.” Gale reached to help.

“Don't. Touch me.” Astarion growled, slapping his hand away. He moved to pour the aloe into his hands.

“Appologies." Gale retracted. "Have you really never been sun burnt before?” Gale asked curiously.

“I'm a vampire . I haven't even seen the sun in centuries.”

“Centuries you say? How intriguing. What was that like? ” Gale inquired.

Astarion was not in the mood for sharing and frowned, ignoring the question. He coated himself in the aloe salve, “How long must I wait until I'm cured?”

“It might take a few days. Although technically speaking it doesn't cure, just soothes. Usually you'll lose a few layers of skin before revealing a slight tan. You'll want to protect yourself from the sun until then, I could loan you a hat if you'd like, although, now that I think about it, Shadowheart could probably cure you instantly.”

Astarion immediately stopped and glared at Gale again, “You couldn't possibly have mentioned this first ?” He tossed the remains of the aloe vial back at Gale and haughtily walked off back towards camp to find Shadowheart.

Chapter 4: All Thumbs


A half written chapter showcasing Gale's thieving skills.

Chapter Text

From the corner of his eye Astarion catches Gale crouch down and approach a locked chest. He wrinkles his nose in disgust as Gale gracelessly plunges the lock picks into the keyhole and wriggles them around haphazardly.


Gale sighs and produces another set of tools to repeat the attempt.












Gale sighs again as he aimlessly jabbed more of the metal instruments into the lock.


Gods above, Astarion watches in bewilderment as Gale produces yet another set of lock picks.While he usually enjoyed watching disarrangement unfold, he had his limits. At this point, he was sure one of the picks would break off in the lock requiring nothing less than a crowbar to get it open.

Astarion stood above him, “Stand aside before you hurt yourself." He said placing one hand on his hip and opening the other expectantly to accept the lock picks.

“Why?" Gale responded defensively, "So you can pilfer my loot right from under me? I think not.” Gale turned back to the lock, this time repeatedly stabbing it.

“That's a risk you'll have to take my friend. Gods know if you continue as you are, no one will have it.”


Gale sighed again. “Fine. I have no qualms with parting from a portion of the contents, if only to spare the loss of additional picklocks." he relented, "Notwithstanding, should you happen upon any variety of enchanted items, I simply require first choice of possession.” He bargained, handing Astarion the lock picks.

“You know I can't make promises like that.” Astarion drawled, and in one swift motion the chest was open.


“There, see? Easy.” He smirked.

Inside was a few hundred gold, a healing potion and a magic scroll. Astarion pocketed the coin and casually tossed Gale the rest. “Call on me sooner next time darling.” he said with a wave as he walked away.

Chapter 5: Wizards might do Yoga


Gale does some yoga. Astarion is annoyed.

Chapter Text

Astarion returned to the camp late from an unsuccessful hunt. His hair was mussed with sticks and leaves and he was covered in tiny scratches.

He had climbed into the trees earlier that evening to hopefully stake out a wild boar or other local wild life but had inadvertently started a turf war with a squirrel. After giving up trying to win the argument with the damn tree rat, he decided to clean off in the river and sleep off the frustration in hopes that tomorrow would be better.

The slow moving water reflected the moon like glass as he dived in. Below the surface he quickly scrubbed away the dirt and grime.

As he moved to resurface a large trout swam in front of his mouth. Normally he wouldn't be interested in fish as their flavor was less than palatable and they were a pain to catch, but today he was hungry and frustrated and this one was so close it was taunting him. Unable to resist, he grabbed the fish between his teeth and caught it.

Proud of his victory he stood up out of the water triumphantly, slicking his wet hair back with one hand.


His ego quickly deflated and his eyes narrowed into a glare at the sound of a snicker.

Gale was standing calmly on the beach, arms and legs outstretched in a Warrior 1 pose.

Astarion walked to shore, removing the fish from his mouth so he could retort, “Find something amusing do you?”

Gale leaned sideways lifting his arm up into a triangle pose. “Oh Astarion! I was so lost in thought I didn't see you there! What brings you to the riverside shore this fine evening?”

Astarion noted the obvious redirection and replied sarcastically, “I've come to enjoy the view.” He rolled his eyes and sat down in the nearby grass to bite into the fish.

Gale snickered again and moved into a Warrior 2 pose.

Astarion glared at him, “Alright, out with it.” He commanded.

Gale wavered, debating how to reply. “It's just… you reminded me of a friend of mine.” He replied honestly.

Astarion skeptically acknowleged the answer. "Not the usual I'd expect from a compliment, but I'll accept it.” he said and went back to the fish.

Gale started shaking, holding back laughter again as soon as he saw Astarion bite into it.

“What now?” Astarion demanded, unamused.

“She… she’s… she's a cat…” Gale spat out between shakes of silent laughter, "so much... like her..."

Having gotten his fill from the fish, Astarion threw the remains at Gale's face.

Undaunted, Gale wiped away the slime and continued “She's…. She's a tressym really….Tara, she's… very intelligent… smarter than most! “

Thoroughly irked, Astarion dove back into the river to rinse away any scales and stalked back to his tent.

“It… it really is a compliment!” Gale called after him between fits of laughter.

Chapter 6: We don't talk about our feelings


Astarion discovers Gale's secret. They don't talk about it.


Apologies in advance for writing the entire chapter in present tense all of a sudden. I'll work on fixing it soon.

Chapter Text

Astarion returns A primer on mythical beasts to the camp chest and rummages through the remaining contents. Aside from a few undelivered letters he doesn't find anything of interest. Knowing Gale must have something more than A is for Azuth , he opts to blatantly trespass into the wizard's tent for more stimulating reading material.

Upon entering the tent, he finds a coat rack and a line of old boots near the entryway. Beyond that is a small room packed with bookshelves, made complete with study table and soft armchair. At seeing this, Astarion feels compelled to double back and circle the outer perimeter. Re-entering confirms his suspicions: it's bigger on the inside.

He enters the back room and begins perusing the shelves for an appealing title.

At that moment, Gale stumbles in, couging and sweating profusely. He partially rips off his robe and collapses onto his side near the entryway. He tips over one of the boots and pulls out a small necklace and holds it to his chest. A glowing purple light escapes the necklace and fizzles out.

Gale exhales in relief and rolls onto his back closing his eyes.

Astarion, already clutching several books, swiftly kicks him in the side.

“Oof!” Gale coughs and snaps his eyes open to see Astarion squinting down at him in disgust. “What was that for!?” Gale yells out.

“Just checking you're still alive.” Astarion smirks.

“Very much, no thanks to you.” Gale retorts.

“I'll just be on my way then. ” Astarion sing-songs back to him and moves to shuffle around the prone wizard.

“Wait” Gale reaches out weakly to try to stop him from leaving.

Astarion bristles and dodges the hand. Half expecting to be confronted for the mild larceny, half concerned Gale might want to talk about feelings or something personal, he doesn't want to stick around to find out.

Gale's voice drops to a more serious tone, “I can explain, I should explain...”

“Explain what Gale?” Astarion feigns ignorance, backing toward the flaps of the tent.

“I… er…” Gale falters and his tone changes again, he's decided against sharing this particular bit of information just yet. Instead he replies, “You should know, The Evil Eye is best read as a continuation of a series, you'll get far more out of it if you read A Brush with Evil beforehand.”

Astarion is nearly out of the tent but turns to have the final word, “Is that an invitation to return my dear wizard?” He gives a sly smile and exits before Gale can reply.

Vampires don't do Yoga - TrainingAnteater14 (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.